Opening Hours: Monday - Friday : 9.00 am - 05.00 pm, Saturday & Sunday Closed

Complaint Policy

Complaints Policy and Procedure


Geotraining defines a complaint as a formal expression of dissatisfaction that requires a proper response.


A formal complaints policy aims to ensure that all complaints are reviewed thoroughly, fairly, and, wherever possible, resolved to the complainant’s satisfaction.

General Customer Feedback Process

Geotraining is committed to providing high-quality training and assessment for its customers and continuously seeks opportunities to improve its services. Constructive comments on where we can improve our services are welcomed.

Customers are asked at the start and the end of a training course for feedback via an online survey, and we welcome ad-hoc feedback via email and telephone. We also obtain feedback after the completion of examinations. Paper-based versions of our feedback form are available on request.

Feedback provides valuable information to introduce improvements to all our training products and services. Geotraining encourages its customers to provide honest feedback to enable the improvement processes to take place effectively.

Complaints Process

Occasions may arise when a customer feels it is necessary to complain formally about the training services provided.

A formal complaint needs to be submitted separately from the general feedback process and not through the feedback form.

Customers wishing to submit a formal complaint should do so in writing via email or letter. Formal complaints should be in writing to ensure that all the relevant information is captured and the issue can be appropriately investigated.

Geotraining will treat formal written complaints as a clear expression of dissatisfaction with its service, which calls for a prompt and courteous response.

Formal Complaints Procedure Stage 1

In the first instance, when the issue cannot be resolved informally, the complaint should be submitted via email to the Learning Engagement Officer, Subia Hussain, who will manage the process. The complaint can be submitted via:

Email: subia@geotraining.co.uk

Mobile: 07490497704

Office number: 01902 810041

Alternatively, the complaint can be submitted in writing within 7 working days of the matter arising. The complaint should be addressed as detailed below:

Learning Engagement Officer

Second Floor
29 Waterloo Road,

The written complaint should be reported on the External Concern Reporting Form, found at the end of this document, and will include the following:

Details of the issue leading to the complaint
Date when the issue occurred Venue/ location Complainant’s full name and contact details
Details of the consequences resulting from the issue and the remedy being sought.
The initial complaint will be acknowledged within 24 hours of receipt, and a complete response will be provided within 15 working days.

Stage 2

If the initial response to the complaint is not regarded as satisfactory the next stage is to write to the Head of Quality and Operations and ask for the complaint and the initial response to be reviewed.

The complaint should be addressed as detailed below:

Head of Quality and Operations

Second Floor
29 Waterloo Road,

Alternatively, you can call the office on 01902 810041 and request for the Head of Quality and Operations.

Escalation should take place within 10 days of receiving the written response from the Learning Engagement Officer and should state the reason for dissatisfaction with the decision made.

You can expect the Head of Quality and Operations to acknowledge your request within 24 hours of receipt and a full response within 15 working days.

Our aim is to resolve all matters as quickly as possible; however, inevitably some issues will be more complex and may therefore require longer to be fully investigated. As a consequence, timescales given for handling and responding to complaints are indicative.

If a matter requires a more detailed investigation, an interim response will be sent describing what is being done to deal with the matter and the revised timescales for when a full reply can be expected.

Final Stage

If the response from the Head of Quality and Operations is not satisfactory, the final option of escalating the complaint can be to the Chief Executive Officer, as detailed below:


Second Floor
29 Waterloo Road,

Alternatively, you can call the office on 01902 810041 and request for the Chief Executive Officer.

Escalation should take place within 10 days of receiving the written response from the Head of Quality and Operations, and should state the reason for dissatisfaction with the decision made.

The Chief Executive Officer will normally respond within 10 working days to inform the complainant of the action which will be taken to investigate the complaint, and when the outcome of the investigation can be expected.

This outcome will be the final decision by Geotraining.

If you are still unsatisfied after following the full procedure, you can contact the Education and Skills Funding Agency using the below details:


Education and Skills Funding Agency

Cheylesmore House

Quinton Road





(Please note, the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA)they would normally only deal with complaints once the full procedure laid out by the training provider has first been followed).

Contacting ESFA Please contact ESFA using online enquiry form and tick the box that says complaint. Using the enquiry form is the quickest way to contact ESFA but they can accept hard copy documents sent to:

ESFA – Academies Complaint and Customer Insight Unit
Cheylesmore House
Quinton Road

They ask that you do not submit original documents and what you do send relates solely to the complaint you have asked them to consider. Please be aware that they are not able to return the document you send to them. Contact the Department for Education - Contact type - DFE Online Forms Signposting
Child Sex Exploitation
http://www.nspcc.org.uk/preventing-abuse/child-abuse-and-neglect/childsexualexploitation/what-is-child-sexual-exploitation/ or http://www.stopitnow.org.uk/ or 0808 1000 900 Extremism, Radicalisation and Terrorism https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/protectingchildren-

Get In Touch

Geotraining, 29 Waterloo Road, Second Floor, Wolverhampton. WV1 4DJ


01902 810041

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